
Back Pain: How to cure it naturally!

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Hey lovely readers😊, welcome back!!! Today’s blog post is all about back pain and how you can cure it naturally and, yes end of this article I am going to give a bonus tip for back pain so do not skip, stay/read till the end.

If you searched for how to cure back pain naturally and landed here, then you are at the right place. Let me tell you are not alone, I understand how painful and uncomfortable back pain could be!

Various natural remedies are available for back pain, which can help you reduce the pain to a great extent, but you need to be persistent with those methods.

Please look for natural home remedies for back pain and try them on yourself and find out what works for you best do let me know in the comment section down.

Before getting into the details of remedies I want to provide some information regarding back pain.

  • Why does back pain occur?
  • Different treatment options.

There are various medical treatment options available but in this specific article, I’ll focus on natural treatment options yes how to cure back pain naturally at home this is today’s topic.

So first let’s understand why back pain normally occurs! back pain could affect any age due to different causes.

Causes For Back/Spine Pain

Causes of back pain

The human back is made up of a very complex structure of muscles, bones, discs, ligaments, and tendons which help us to move around and support the complete body. The segments of the spine are cushioned with cartilage-like pads called discs.

Back pain could result from poor posture, certain medical conditions, strain, etc, but sometimes the back pain reason is still unclear.

Poor Posture for back pain

As we all know the current situation is how corona has inferred in our lives and disturbed everything. A prolonged sitting position in front of a computer could lead to back and shoulder pain.

It is not limited to only sitting position multiple factors lead to back pain /spine pain gradually. some of the examples are:

  • Overstretching.
  • Sitting, bending, standing awkwardly for a longer period of time.
  • Lifting or carrying something heavy.
  • Sleeping on a mattress and pillow which does not support the spine and shoulder.
  • Long driving without any break.
  • Bending forward while working on the computer.


Why usually does strain occur? If you lift something too heavy things improperly or awkwardly, then strain may happen to your back muscles, leading to back pain. Different kinds of strain you could experience like

  • Muscle strain or tension.
  • Ligament strain.
  • The gap in the discs.
  • Fractures.

Medical condition & other causes for back pain

There are certain medical conditions like if you have

  • Osteoporosis.
  • Arthritis.
  • Pregnancy
  • Lack of physical activities.
  • Excess weight.
  • Smoking.
  • Genetic factors.
  • Kidney disease.
  • An abnormal curve of the spine.
  • Bulging discs.
  • Spine cancer.
  • Spine Infections.
  • Sleep disorder/Insomnia.
  • Other infections.
  • Old age.

How to Cure Back Pain Naturally –

Go for a healthy diet:

We all know that good and well-balanced nutrition is essential for a healthy body and mind but are you aware that a healthy diet also plays a very important role in having a healthy back?

Yes, a healthy diet, exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight play a major role in a healthy back, and these promote overall health.

Your bone, muscles, and spine all need proper nutrition to function optimally. You should eat a well-balanced diet, with the right amount of essential vitamins and nutrients to nourish your spine/back.

So now let’s discuss some essential vitamin and mineral which is actually beneficial for bone health.

Include calcium-rich foods in your daily diet

In your body calcium is the major component. Almost 90% of calcium is found in the tissues of the body such as bones and teeth. Rest 10% is found in blood, muscles, heart, and liver.

If your body does not get enough calcium from your food or if your body is unable to soak it then your bone won’t develop properly or it will get weak as time passes.

You need to have adequate calcium intake to prevent the development of osteoporosis, which occurs due to weak and brittle bones that could lead to painful vertebral fractures in the spine.

You can get calcium from many foods, most popularly in dairy products such as milk, ghee, cheese, and yogurt.

Apart from dairy products, there are different other sources of calcium are also available like dark green leafy vegetables, kale, collard greens, turnip greens, green beans, spinach, etc.

Some types of other foods such as almonds, oranges, tofu, peanuts, finger millet(Ragi), etc are also loaded with calcium.

Vitamin D3 for a healthy back

Vitamin D3 is very crucial for the absorption of calcium, if you do not have enough vitamin d3 then calcium absorption can’t take place.

It is responsible for the development of healthy bones and teeth. Insufficient vitamin d could lead to thin, brittle, and weak bones.

There are very few foods that contain vitamin D3 such as egg yolk, cold liver oil, fatty fish, some cereals, and bread, which are fortified with vitamin D.

But there is a great and free-of-cost source of vitamin D3 is also there yes it’s nothing but early morning sunlight.

It can be measured through blood tests, there are a few supplements also available but yes supplements should be taken under doctor consultation.

Magnesium for healthy bone mineral density

Do you know! magnesium is also very crucial for healthy bones. It is a key mineral in the structure of the bone matrix.

Research has been conducted and many nutritionists believe magnesium is more important than calcium to having healthy bones and muscles.

Magnesium helps to increase and maintain bone mineral density, It helps to reduce the risk of bone fracture, osteoporosis, and other bone-related problems.

If your blood magnesium levels drop, magnesium will be automatically pulled from the bones. Magnesium deficiency is common. It helps to relax muscles and provides strength to the muscles that support the spine.

Common sources of magnesium are green leafy vegetables, grains, seeds, nuts, fish, beans, dark chocolate, etc.

Vitamin B12 for a healthy spine

Vitamin B12 is also essential for healthy bones, From several studies, it has been found a lower level of vitamin B12 could reduce bone mineral density, especially in older people.

It is responsible for the formation of the body’s bone-building cells and is necessary for the healthy formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia could lead to osteoporosis. Vitamin B12 is found mainly in animal products like meat, fish, egg, chicken, etc. It is also found in dairy products such as milk, ghee, butter, cheese, and yogurt.

Maintain a Correct Posture to cure Back Pain

What does it mean by good posture? Avoid static, prolonged posture, it could really badly affects your spine, shoulder, and neck.

Avoid excessive sitting yes when you sit for a long duration, it puts pressure on your back, which ultimately increases the pain.

Aim to get up every hour and walk a short distance to take the load off your discs.

Avoid static position if you sit or stand for a longer period of time it will badly impact your spine, muscles, etc.

So do consider changing the position after some interval of time to relax your muscles and joints from getting over-stressed. 

Maintain a good posture It is really important to have a healthy back. Try to adjust your neck, shoulder, and back alignment to prevent stress on your spine.

Poor, unsupported posture could lead to various problems in your back, which ultimately increases the pain in your spine.

Try different Yoga Poses:

Yoga is also a very good and effective way to stretch your back, it helps to increase the flexibility of the back. it will help to improve the overall health of the back and muscles. It helps to loosen the spine and stiffness of the back.

There are different stretching yoga poses you can do to make your back healthy and strong like

  • Child pose.
  • Knee to chest stretch.
  • Spinal twist while seating.
  • Cat cow stretch.
  • Sphinx stretch.

When you will start, you may find little difficult but gradually you will get it. An ideal time for yoga is early morning.

If necessary use Heat Patches to cure Spine Pain

Heat patches initiate when in touch with the body are an extraordinary apparatus to convey during long drives or keep in your office work area/bedside table cabinet.

These warmth patches can be worn inside your apparel, and give a constant stock of warmth to your back, which helps to minimize your pain to a great extent.

Follow the instruction carefully and don’t wear them for a long time as they can be harmful to your skin.

Some of the heat patches are also infused with some painkiller medicine so that they can provide some extra relief to your back.

Ayurvedic treatment for Back Pain:

Do you know! Ayurvedic massage therapy works wonders for back/spine pain. Basically, there are two methods Abhyanga and Pizhichil.

A powerful massage therapy, it helps to relieve back pain completely (Upper and lower) muscles strain, tension, stiffness, disc problems, and spondylosis

In Ayurveda, back pain occurs due to elevated Vata dosha. Regular application of Ashwagandha oil could do wonders for back pain. It helps to nourish the bones and tissues. and reduces muscle stiffness.

You must have heard about Gond, which is basically given to women after delivery due to its amazing properties.

But do you know! Gond is also very beneficial for back pain and joint pain, it helps to lubricate the joints, effective for vitamin D deficiency.

Bonus tips to cure Back Pain:

Here I want to share two tips that are very crucial to have a healthy spine first one is meditation and the second one is sleep.

Meditation/Mindfulness– Are you aware of this fact? Stress/ tension is one of the biggest reasons for back pain and meditation is a great way to reduce all the negative thoughts, it helps to decrease stress, tension, and grief, by releasing feel-good hormones (endorphins).

Try to meditate for 10 to 15 minutes every day preferably in the morning on empty stomach. Do some breathing exercises like anulom vilam and kapalbhati.

Sleep– Yes you heard it right, sleep is not only important for overall health but also beneficial for your back.

When you get restful sleep at night, you will feel fresh for the whole day, not only that your back will feel little good when your body has well-rested.

A night of proper sleep could have healing benefits and make you feel refreshed, energetic, and stress-free.


I am ending this article here, I have tried to share some of the natural remedies for back/spine pain best of my knowledge.

If you are suffering from back pain then, please consider including all the above-mentioned remedies in your daily routine and see the magic.

Sometimes if you do all the necessary things also, back pain does not go away. if it is chronic then the pain will not go away easily, in some cases you may need spine surgery. Please consult your doctor if you notice any warning signs.

If you find my blog post informative, then do not forget to share it with your family and friends.

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12 thoughts on “Back Pain: How to cure it naturally!”

  1. Wow, such a wonderful blog, Ruchira ji. I am a fan of your writing because you have simply mentioned some natural working remedies for back aches.

    Thanks for writing such a blog.


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