
Iron and Your Body:All About Iron

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Hey folks,Welcome back to my blog.Today blog is all about iron and your body! in this particular article i will be sharing few facts about iron,you should know about!

Have you felt tired and exhausted recently ! There could be possible reason of iron deficiency especially if you are woman.

The mineral present at levels less than 0.05% in the human body are known as micro minerals.

The micro mineral also know as the trace elements.some of the micro nutrients minerals are iron,zinc,copper,fluorine,selenium etc.

Iron was first recognized as a constituent of the body.It is known that all the iron in the body exist in combination with protein molecules.

overall body contains 2.5 to 4.0 gm of iron.The precise amount in any individual is dependent on gender,age,size,nutritional status,general health and level of iron stores.

Distribution Of Iron In Human Body

Most of the iron in the body is found in the blood,but some present in every cell.

Over two-thirds of body iron is usually in form of functional iron found in hemoglobin and a small person in myoglobin.

Most of the non functional iron of the body is held in the iron storage compound within the liver,bone marrow.

It,mainly found in muscle tissue,it act as a intracellular storage site for oxygen.Here are i am sharing a small table which will describe percentage distribution of iron in human body.

Types of Iron Percentage
Hemoglobin 60-70%
Myoglobin 3-4%
Tissue iron 5-15%
Storage and Transport
Storage iron 15-20%
Transport Iron 0.1%
Serum ferritin (Ferritin is a blood protein that contains iron) <1

Functions of Iron in Human Body

Iron is an essential element for the growth and development.

Transport and storage of oxygen

Each gram of hemoglobin incorporates approximately 3.34 mg of iron.iron within the metalloproteins hemoglobin and myoglobin can bind to oxygen molecule and transport them through the blood or store them within the muscles.

The iron in the haeme group itself is bound to the protein chain. Myoglobin is found only in muscles where it serve as reservoir of oxygen.

The oxygen needed to combine with other nutrients molecules to release the energy to power muscular contraction.

Co-factor of enzymes and other proteins

The iron contain in the haeme group is also a part of several proteins involved in the release of energy during the oxidation of nutrients and trapping of that energy within adenosine triphosphate (also known as ATP, is a molecule that carries energy within cells. It is the main energy currency of the cell)

Iron on its own is a co-factor bound to several non haeme enzymes required for the proper functioning of cells.

There are some other processes that depend on the activities of iron containing enzymes are following.

  • Conversion of beta carotene to the active form of vitamin A.
  • Synthesis of purines
  • Combination of carnitines,a vitamin like substance required for transport of fatty acid.
  • Mixture of collagen,one of the protein of the body.
  • detoxification of drugs and other toxic compound.
  • synthesis of neurotransmitter.
  • Essential for metabolism

Formation of Red blood cells

Iron is the key element for the production of Red blood cells.Iron is the vital component of hemoglobin.

Hemoglobin represents almost 2/3 of body’s iron. RBC carries the oxygen from lungs to carry it throughout your body.

If you have not enough iron inside your blood then you body will not able to make oxygen carrying red blood cells.

so now let me explain you the complete process how hemoglobin formation takes place.

Bone marrow produces immature cells know as erythroblasts.Auomatically it matures within the bone marrow.

They synthesis the iron containing haeme group becomes bound to globin molecules also synthesized by the erythroblaste,to completed a hemoglobin molecules.

The hemoglobin are released from the bone marrow into the blood.Within 24-36 hour after their release ready to begin the transport of oxygen to the tissue.

Red blood cell has no nucleus,hence it can not produce the enzyme and proteins are necessary for long term survival.

How much iron your body need

How much iron your body need is completely depends upon over all health ,but apart from health it also depends upon age and gender.

Iron requirement of different groups are derived by the factorial approach,in which the requirement for different physiological functions are added up.

Basal loss,menstrual loss,expansion in blood volume,fetal growth are some factors which also decides iron requirement for your body.

Infant and toddler need more iron as compared to adult as their bodies growing.Infant need 4 to 8 mg/per day.10 mg daily from ages 4 to 8 mg per day.

Starting at adolescence,Women need more iron since they lose blood each month during their menstruation.

That’s why women from ages 17 to 50 need to get 17 to 25 mg of iron each day, but men the same age need only 8 mg per day.

After menopause a woman’s iron needs drop as their menstrual cycle stops ,only 8 mg sufficient for after menopause.

You may need more iron,if you have certain condition like

  • Pregnancy
  • Breast feeding/Lactating woman
  • Kidney related problem causes iron loss
  • Ulcer kind of thing which causes iron loss
  • Gastrointestinal disorder that prevents your body from absorbing iron 

Overload of iron for health

It is an in born error of metabolism .There is a failure to control iron absorption from the small intestine.This condition is known as Haemochromatosis.

The excess iron is then deposited in the tissue ,mainly in the liver and pancreas as well as in heart.

Reducing intake of iron containing and iron fortified foods and avoiding cast iron and cook ware are preferable.

Avoid foods and beverage that place an that puts pressure/stress on the liver such as sea food and alcohol.

Iron deficiency:How do you know!

If there is an insufficiency of iron for the formation of hemoglobin ,in red blood corpuscles are pale and small and anaemia is said to be hypochromic and microcytic.

This is the most common form of anaemia throughout the world affecting mainly women in their reproductive years.

Iron deficiency is the cause for 1/3 rd of patients suffering from anaemia.It could leave you exhausted and tired.

Deficiency of iron may occur as a result of the following

Inadequate Iron Intake

This is secondary to poor diet such as vegetarian life style with in sufficient haeme iron.

The average serial based diets as consumed in most developing countries would appear in iron content for an adult.

But the iron availability of such diets is very poor.Only 3 to 5% of dietary iron absorbed in normal apparently healthy individual.

Infants and children suffer from iron deficiency anaemia due to premature birth.Iron deficiency could also occur in breast feeding moms.

Blood Loss

Your blood contain red blood corpuscles,which is packed with iron,and if you loose blood in a some way,definitely you will loose iron too.

It can occur in accidental hemorrhage,In chronic disease such as ulcers or intestinal disorders or excessive blood donation or certain kind of cancer.

Excessive loss of blood during menstruation and child birth can cause anaemia.

Increased Demand

Deficiency of iron in the diet during period of accelerated demand like infancy due to rapid growth of blood volume.

In Adolescence rapid growth and onset of menses especially in girls.

Because without iron supplementation,iron deficiency anemia occurs in many pregnant women due to rapidly expanding blood volume.

Inadequate Absorption

Iron from food is absorbed into your bloodstream in your small intestine. An intestinal disorder, which affects your intestine’s ability to absorb nutrients from digested food.

It can cause iron deficiency anemia.If a part of your small gut has been bypassed or eliminated surgically, which can have an effect on your ability to take in iron and different vitamins.


  • Weakness
  • Extreme Tiredness
  • Cold hands Feet
  • Broken/Brittle Nail
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Pale Skin
  • Poor Appetite
  • Unusual Craving

How to Prevent Iron Deficiency

Simply by having iron rich food you could prevent iron deficiency in great extent.Try to include iron rich food in your diet.

  • Dried fruits such as dates,raisins,
  • Green leafy vegetables such as spinach
  • Beans
  • Different types of lentils
  • Red meat
  • Chicken and fish.
  • Egg Yolk
  • Iron fortified cereals
  • Different kind of fruits such as apple,banana

Apart from it you need to include foods containing vitamin C in order to increase iron absorption,such as oranges, tomatoes, or strawberries.

Eat iron-rich foods with foods that include beta carotene,like apricots,bell peppers,and beets,to enhance absorption.


You can not treat or self diagnosis iron deficiency anemia .So you need to consult a doctor for diagnosis.

Do not take iron supplements on your own because overtaking the body with iron could be very harmful.

Excess iron intake might damage your liver and cause other health related complications.

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