
Nutrition During Pregnancy:What to eat what to Avoid!

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Hey, welcome back!!! in this article, we will discuss how important nutrition is during pregnancy! What to eat when you are expecting!

I will share some nutritional tips for pregnant women. if you want to know about what nutrition means! please visit my previous blog.

It is always advisable to eat well-balanced food but in pregnancy, it is highly necessary to have a right-balanced diet.

To maintain a healthy pregnancy you need 300 to 400 extra calories per day.

You will get those calories from the different well-balanced diets of carbohydrates, protein, fat, and yes of course fruits and vegetables.

Eating a healthy and balanced diet plays a very important role. It will provide everything you and your little one needs.

How important nutrition during pregnancy!

Before getting into anything I want to give a little idea about pregnancy and what exactly happens inside the body and mind.

Here you will know only about physical aspects. Regarding mental health, I will cover it in the next blog.

Pregnancy duration is divided into three trimester

  • 1 st Trimester
  • 2 nd Trimester
  • 3 rd Trimester

1st trimester of pregnancy could be scary as well as exciting too. A woman’s body goes through a lot of changes, due to a sudden rise in progesterone hormone. It is the main pregnancy hormone which is the main culprit you can say.

Some of these changes may begin before you even know you are pregnant.1 st trimester lasts from 0 (The day you missed your period) to 12 weeks.

2nd the trimester you can say it is the most enjoyable and easiest part of the total pregnancy period. you will notice drastic physical changes. your belly will grow, your breast size will increase.

3rd trimester you will feel uncomfortable by this time, your baby continues to grow in size.

you will gain weight and you could feel false labor contraction, which is very normal in pregnancy.

A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die.” – Mary Mason

It is very common, Your appetite may decrease as your body undergoes lots of changes due to hormone fluctuation. Yes, it is completely fine. But nutrition during pregnancy is very essential.

You need to have some Nutritional foods throughout your pregnancy. The most important nutrients you need during your pregnancy are folic acid, iron, and vitamin B6, Calcium& vitamin D, proteins.

Folic Acid

The first and foremost thing is folic acid/folate comes under the B vitamin. It is very necessary specifically during the early pregnancy phase. Folic acid act as a superhero for pregnant women.

Folic acid helps to prevent neural birth defects. Which is a very serious birth defect that affects the brain and spinal cord sometimes leads to the death of a fetus (A young human being or animal after the organ has just started to develop).

Medical research also found that some women have trouble getting pregnant due to a lack of folic acid.

It also helps for the development of the baby’s heart. It is recommended pregnant women should take 400 mcg of folic acid every day.

Found in: Leafy green vegetables(Spinach, Cabbage, Broccoli) Peas, fortified cereals, bread and pastas, beans, citrus fruits such as orange.


Iron plays a very vital role when it comes to pregnancy .pregnant women and growing fetuses are more endangered to iron deficiency.

During pregnancy, iron is needed to supply the growing fetus and placenta and to increase the maternal red cell mass, it prevents anemia which commonly occurs due to iron deficiency.

It is recommended 30 mg of iron every day for pregnant women and you should start it after 12 weeks(Beginning of 2 nd trimester of your pregnancy).

Found in: Whole grains, Fortified serials, leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, fenugreek, dry fruits such as dates and raisins, different types of pulses such as peas, kidney beans.

Calcium and Vitamin D

Calcium is the main mineral you need during your pregnancy. calcium helps to form the bones and teeth of your developing baby.

It helps to build an entire skeletal system. Calcium is also an important nutrient for your baby’s heart too.

It also helps the circulatory, muscular, nervous system to function optimally. vitamin D also helps to build your baby’s teeth and bones.

You should start taking from 14 weeks of pregnancy up to six months post-pregnancy. It is recommended 1300 mg calcium per day.

Found in: The powerhouse of calcium are dairy products. You should include milk, cheese, yogurt, ghee in your daily diet. Calcium is also found in different types of green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, methi, cabbage)seafood, dried peas, and beans

Essential Nutrition During Pregnancy

Food to Eat During Pregnancy

Whole grains:

These foods are powerhouses of energy in the diet. and it is very nutritious it contains iron B-vitamins and fiber.

it also very rich in carbohydrates Pregnant women get all their energy requirements from whole grains, such as oatmeal, whole-wheat pasta or bread, and brown rice, corn, etc.

Whole grains
Whole grains

Fruits and vegetables:

Pregnant women should add fruits and vegetables to their daily diet. It will provide essential vitamins and minerals to you and your developing baby too.

It is the powerhouse of essential nutrients and is full of fiber. Just think about the rainbow and try to fill your plate with a rainbow of vegetables.

It contains Vitamin C, Potassium, Folic acid, Beta carotene, vitamin A and so on.

Vitamin C is very essential for the development of a baby’s bones and teeth. It also helps to produce collagen in your baby’s body which will increase your baby’s immune system and helps to absorb iron too. Vitamin C helps to protect all the cells and keeps them healthy.

Potassium is important for all the human body and specifically for expecting and nursing mothers.

Potassium regulates blood pressure which commonly occurs during pregnancy, apart from this it combines with sodium and helps to balance fluid in cells.

It also helps to maintain proper muscle balance, so that the expecting mom will not have muscle cramps or pains.

Folic acid is very very essential for pregnant women.it helps to prevent neural tube defect which affects on the brain and spinal cord.

It also contributes to having a healthy birth weight for your developing fetus.

Beta carotene is for your baby’s cell and tissue development, vision, and immune system.

vegetables and fruits
Vegetables and Fruits


Dairy foods, such as milk, yogurt, and cheese are good dietary sources of calcium, protein, and vitamin D. you must include dairy products in your daily diet.

Aim for at least 2 to 3 serves of milk, cheese, yogurt every day will help ensure adequate calcium intake a growing baby needs for bone and teeth development.

Diary products
Dairy Products


Protein is also essential in pregnancy, but most women don’t have problems getting enough protein-rich foods in their diets.

Protein act as a builder nutrient.it helps to build important organs for the baby, such as the brain and heart.

It makes sure the proper growth of the baby’s organs and tissue.it also helps in supply blood to your little one.

Pregnant women should include good protein sources at every meal to support the baby’s growth.

Include Protein-rich foods such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, tofu, cheese, milk, nuts, and seeds in your daily diet.

 It is recommended 60 to 70 gm of proteins per day.

Protein rich food
Protein-rich food


It is the powerhouse of healthy nutrients. It contains fiber, Vitamin E, polyunsaturated fatty acid, and so on.

These are rich in folic acids and fatty acids(omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids)which play an important role in the neural development of your younger one.

mothers eat nuts during their first trimester of pregnancy their babies have better IQ, memory, and attention span as compared to the mothers who do not eat nuts during pregnancy.

Omega-3 fatty acid requirements increase in pregnant women compared to nonpregnant women.

Some studies show that these fatty acids play a vital role in the timing of gestation as well as the birth weight of newborns.


In addition to a healthy diet, pregnant women also need to take a daily prenatal vitamin to get some of the nutrients that are hard to find from foods alone.

It is very crucial to get all the nutrition during pregnancy. because what you will eat it will pass to your little one through the umbilical cord.

Foods to limit


It is recommended 200 mg/2-3 mugs caffeine per day is fine with pregnant women. Caffeine act as a simulator and overconsumption can affect heart rate and blood pressure.

it could be very harmful during pregnancy. sometimes it leads to miscarriage and may contribute to lower birth weight.


Fish is a good source of protein, and some fish, like salmon and sardines, also contain fatty acids and Omega 3.these are considered to be healthy fat that’s good for the heart too. It is safe for pregnant women to eat cooked fish and seafood once a week.

But they should limit sea fish like tuna, which has high levels of mercury.

Mercury is a metal that can be harmful to a baby’s developing brain and central nervous system.

Foods to avoid


During pregnancy, alcohol is considered to be very bad. Alcohol in the mother’s blood can directly pass to the baby through the umbilical cord. Consumption of alcohol during pregnancy effect the growing baby.

A medical study found a group of conditions that can include physical as well as mental problems.

Learning and behavioral difficulties in babies also have been found, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Fish with high levels of mercury:

Seafood such as shark, king mackerel, marlin, contains high levels of mercury, should be avoided during pregnancy. Mercury is a toxic chemical that may pass through the placenta and could be harmful to developing babies.

It could affect the brain, kidneys, and nervous system of the growing baby.

Unpasteurized foods:

It is very dangerous to eat unpasteurized food during pregnancy.

It contains some bacteria which is very harmful, may pass through the baby via the placenta which may lead to blood infection in the baby. even miscarriage could happen.

  • Unpasteurized milk
  • Raw or under cooked egg
  • Raw or under cooked meat
  • Under cooked ready to make meal
  • Certain kind of cheese.
  • Raw or under cooked sprouts


I have tried to explain and cover all the necessary points about how important nutrition is during pregnancy best of my knowledge.

Now you(specifically mom-to-be) could imagine good nutrition during pregnancy how crucial! Please feel free to give any feedback. Thank you.

Disclaimer-The above given information is for knowledge purposes only. before taking any action do consult your midwife/gynecologist.

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