
Sources Of Calcium:Top Most Calcium Rich Foods

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Hey all, welcome back to my blog again. In today’s blog, I am going to share about sources of calcium and the topmost calcium-rich foods.

If you want to know about what is calcium, factors favor and depress calcium absorption. Please go through my previous article. So let’s continue our calcium-associated series.

Sources Of Calcium

Calcium is present in both animal and plant foods. The richest source of calcium among the animal foods is Milk and among the vegetable sources, it is green leafy vegetables.

Milk and dairy product is a good source of calcium but that is not the only way to meet your calcium requirement, Apart from milk there are different foods that also have rich in calcium.

So now let’s discuss calcium-rich food in detail.

Dairy Foods

Dairy products -Rich in calcium
Dairy Products-Rich in calcium

It is difficult to meet the requirement of calcium without taking milk and milk products. Milk is the best source of calcium you could say.

Dairy foods are the fundamental source of calcium because of the significant amount of minerals found in them.

The calcium-Phosphorus ratio (1.2:1 )in milk is regarded as most favorable for bone development.

In addition to that dairy products also contain other nutrients such as vitamin D and lactose which favor calcium absorption.

Milk is also a great source of vitamin A and Protein.

120 ml of milk contains around 120 mg of calcium. Yogurt is also very rich in calcium, It contains 125 mg of calcium per 100 gm.

Cheese contains more calcium than milk and yogurt. Dairy products are considered an excellent source of calcium.


chia seeds-excellent source of calcium
Chia seeds

We all know chia seeds are very nutritious and energy residence of all of the nutrition, a few are very rich in calcium together with chia seed, sesame seeds, poppy seeds.

Chia seed is very rich in calcium. Not only that chia seeds are one of the most nutritious seeds in the world.

It is loaded with omega 3, fatty acid, fiber, and good-quality protein.

Actually, chia seeds contain greater calcium than milk.100 grams of chia seed comprise 631 mg of calcium

You can add chia seeds to yogurt or you could make a smoothie of chia seeds. It acts as a fats burner too.

Poppyseed is also very rich in calcium, aside from calcium it is loaded with protein, fiber. It is also an exceptional form of minerals together with copper, potassium, and so on.

100 gm poppy seeds contain 1400 mg of calcium.

This seed is very beneficial for healthy bone development as it is loaded with calcium and copper.

Sesame seeds are also rich in calcium, this seeds additionally comprise zinc and copper too

So now you will be able to imagine calcium, zinc, and copper all three are very essential for healthy teeth and bone development.1 tsp of sesame seed contains 88 mg of calcium.100 gm of sesame seed contains 975 mg of calcium.


Almonds-power house of calcium

It is a great source of calcium. Of all nuts almonds are among the highest in calcium.100 gm of calcium 264 mg of calcium.

It is likewise loaded with vitamin E and fiber. It acts as a mind booster too. Many kinds of nuts are a terrific supply of healthful fats, protein, and vitamins like calcium and magnesium.

Some perfect nuts for osteoporosis prevention include almonds, sunflower seeds. Eat a handful every day as a snack to promote bone fitness.

Not only that nut could help to lower blood pressure, body fat, and metabolic disorders.

Leafy Green Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables-loaded with calcium
Green leafy vegetables

Leafy green vegetables are very healthy and some are very rich in calcium too. let’s discuss it one by one.

Collared Greens

Collards come under the cabbage group and staple side dish in southern cooking.It is very rich in calcium.1 cup boiled around 375 mg of calcium.

It is a great source of vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C.

It is also loaded with iron, magnesium, vitamin B-6.100 gm of collared green contains around 232 mg of calcium.

Turnip Greens

It comes under the kale and broccoli family. It could be very nutritious. low in calories. low intakes of vitamin K and calcium result in excessive hazard of bone associated diseases

Adequate vitamin K intake can enhance bone fitness via way of means of enhancing calcium absorption, lowering urinary excretion of calcium, and appearing as a modifier of bone matrix proteins.

One cup of raw turnip greens provides 138 mcg of vitamin K and 249 mg of calcium. Turnip greens also provide one of the highest calcium contents per gram of any fruit or vegetable.


Edamame is normally known as immature soybean. It comes under beans family and green in color.

It is evidently gluten-free, does now no longer comprise any cholesterol, is low in calories, a superb source of protein, iron, and calcium.

1 cup of boiled green soybean contains 267 mg of calcium and also contains nearly 22 grams of protein, almost the equal quantity of protein as four eggs.

Morning Oleifera/Drum Stick

Drumstick leaves in addition to stem each is very rich in calcium. It enables to bolster your bones and tooth.

It is also very rich in iron, protein, fiber, vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, etc.It also acts as an immune booster.

Drumstick leaves have anti-aging properties too.it is very good for constipation as well. helps to lower blood pressure.100 gm of calcium leaves contain 200 gm of calcium.

It is loaded with calcium so don’t overlook the feature of these miracle leaves in your diet, and it is easily available too.


Everybody is aware of spinach is loaded with calcium however the main disadvantage is it comprises oxalic acid which prevents the natural absorption of calcium. So cook it nicely before consuming it.

Apart from calcium, it contains vitamin A, vitamin C, Vitamin B6. So try to include spinach in your diet.100 gm of spinach contains 100 mg of calcium.

Apart from these vegetables, there are lots of vegetables which is loaded with calcium such as:

  • Mustard green
  • Beet greens
  • Okra
  • Broccoli
  • Butter nut squash
  • Sweet potato
  • Parsley
  • Green beans
  • Kale


Tofu-soybean extract
Tofu-Soybean Extract

Tofu is loaded with calcium, it is made up of soy milk.100 gm of tofu contains around 350 mg of calcium,

It is also rich in protein, iron, magnesium, vitamin B-12. It could be a very nutritious absolutely boon for vegetarians.

Try to include tofu in your diet in order to meet the calcium requirement of your body. Half a cup of tofu contains the same amount of calcium as 1 cup of milk.

So people with lactose intolerance can add this excellent source of calcium tofu to their diet.

Finger Millet(Ragi Balls)

Ragi is considered a superfood mainly in south India.

It is a also great source of calcium.100 gm ragi contains around 340 mg of calcium.

It could be very useful for tooth, bone, and coronary heart fitness. It likewise enables to lessen blood sugar levels.

Ragi is a super meal for weight advantage in addition to weight loss.

It is likewise rich in fiber, iron, protein. so try and include this great food in your diet.


Chickpeas-excellent source of calcium

It is also a very good source of calcium. Not only that it is loaded with all the other nutrients like iron, vitamin A, magnesium, potassium.

It is the powerhouse of protein too. A 100 gm of chickpeas comprise 20 gm of protein.it additionally comprises accurate fats. A 100 gm chickpeas contain 100 mg of calcium, that’s pretty good.


peanuts-good source of calcium

It is also a good source of calcium. It also contains protein.antioxidant,fiber,vitamin B -12.

100 gm of peanuts approximately contains 92 mg of calcium.

It is very rich in protein too.100 gm of peanuts is equivalent to 100 gm chicken. So try to include peanuts in your diet too, it will make you healthy and young.



These are loaded with a variety of vitamins. it’s also very rich in calcium.A 100 gm of dates incorporate almost 40 mg of calcium.

You can add dates to your milk, it’ll genuinely enable you to enhance your bone fitness.

Apart from it, it’s miles very rich in iron as well. loaded with fiber, potassium, magnesium.

If you’ve got anemia trouble simply include dates on your everyday diet, you may see the drastic change in your hemoglobin level.

Dried Figs

Dried fig
Dried fig

It is a great source of calcium.100 grams of dried figs contains approximately 70 mg of calcium.

Figs are also loaded with dietary fiber, iron, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and very low sodium.

you should add figs to your daily diet in order to have better health.


Do remember one thing calcium absorption can’t take place without vitamin D, so you need to also include vitamin D-rich food in your diet like egg yolk, salmon, sardines, red meat, etc.

If you are vegetarian then you could go for plant-primarily based foods that are rich in vitamin D such as spinach, okra, green collared, white beans, orange juice, oatmeal, and so on.

As I stated earlier the good supply of vitamin D you can get from the early morning sunlight.


Calcium is a very essential mineral for bone and tooth development.

I hope you can easily meet your calcium requirement by adding these various foods in your daily diet.

If you are vegan then don’t worry. All most everything I have written in this article is plant-based only.

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