
What is Inner management: Top 5 Ways to Manage Yourself!

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Hey folks, Welcome back! Today’s topic is all about the importance of inner management. Believe me, guys this is the most important still most neglected topic.

Whatever you do, where ever you go, if you do not know how to manage yourself then you do not know anything literally anything. This line may sound rude but this is the reality of our life.

Frankly speaking, a few years back was not aware of this term also but later I realized how important to manage yourself internally.

I am not a master or leader, still so far what I have realized want to share with you all. I want all of you to realize this fact of life and start working on it today so that your life would be literally beautiful. So let’s come to the point now.

What is Inner managemnet

Do you want to live well both externally and internally! Of course, your answer will be yes.

But you might be thinking how come it possible we all are human, how we will manage all the things properly.

Allow me to clear all your doubts, how we live simply depends on how well we manage our surroundings and most importantly how well we manage ourselves. This process is called inner management.

The quality of our life depends on how well we manage our body, our mind, our emotions, not how much money we have or how so-called rich we are!

Then the only experience of our life will be rich. generally, we hear money management, business management, people management, etc these kinds of terms right!

Management terms come always with external things or situations but what about self-management, what about inner management! have you ever felt about this?

Do you know what! The most predominant factor that rules the world is only money, the other aspects of life have been totally pushed to the corner.

When money is the lone thing that you consider, you will in general, get unsatisfied, unhappy in different ways.

Just think you are longing for something and you got it, you would be happy forever, no not at all this never going to happen.

People not only suffer their failure, but also people suffer their success. You heard it right.

So just think why this happens! what could be possible reasons we are suffering our success and this is the real tragedy of life😒, just because we are bad at managing ourselves.

Inner management is a holistic combination of self-analysis, yoga, meditation intend to align body, mind, soul, energy.

It assists us with upgrading our focus, manages stress, improving our performance in each life circumstance and at work as well.

Look Within- 1 st step towards inner management

Just look within and see when you were small, how happy you were and today how happy you are!

Please think about it consciously, your happiness level is increasing or decreasing, the graph is going up or down!

A simple thing you can do, just observe In a day how many moments are you really happy? If you notice you will get to know your happiness graph is going upward or downward!

I am sure most of the time we will find unhappy/unsatisfied due to different reasons, which means we are a bad manager😁.

Each and everything that we are doing in our lives in pursuit of happiness right! We are educating ourselves, making a career, earning money, getting married, having children. so many things we are doing.

Just ask yourself why we are doing all these, because somewhere we believe fulfilling these things can bring happiness, but the reality is completely different despite multiplying happiness, it’s going down, that clearly means we are bad at managing ourselves.

Manage your body, mind & Emotion- 2 nd step towards inner management

If we do not know how to manage our own body, own mind, own emotion, then how can we manage outside situations?

I am not saying we can’t manage outside situations, however, we can manage it accidentally, so many people are managing like this only. And when things happen accidentally then stress and anxiety become a natural part of life.

We manage our business, money, family everything is understandable, but when it comes to the inner thing, we need somebody to manage it!

We are not stressed because of our work, we are stressed because we do not know how to manage our inner stuff!

It’s not the nature of the job which makes one stressed, everybody believes their work is stressful whether you do something or not!

Inner management means we want to have a certain kind of situation, both externally and internally. Believe me, everybody is capable of managing everything.

Wheatear we manage a small company or a big industry if we can manage ourselves internally, then definitely it will impact your work as well.

Let’s take an example you have a small company of 10 people and you are the CEO of that company.

So basically you have to manage 10 different minds right! But if you have no management over your own mind how can you manage 10 different minds! just think🙄

The basic intention of every management should be human well-being. It is not only about making money and getting financially strong.

Every human being should explore their full potential not in terms of work, but as a complete human being.

So if you want people around you to rise to their peak in terms of love, peace, compassion, then you have to spend time on your inner system management process. I hope you got my point!

Focus on your inner dimension-3rd step towards inner management

What is the inner dimension! Do you realize one thing when we were small our body was so little and our mind was empty?

Now look at us we have a big body and our mind is full of thoughts, is not it! what you call our body is a heap of food we accumulated over time and what we call our mind, it’s nothing but a heap of impressions we gathered.

Just think if we are capable of gathering such a large body and mind .there must be something bigger than this, which never comes into our experience, which is nothing but inner dimension.

There is a management science for external well being we all know that but there is also a management science for internal well-being, but most of the time we have not approached it scientifically.

Nowadays people are thinking if they will do something externally they will happy forever after some time they will discover, it is not so. just think about it!

Do correct things with your body and mind- 4th steps towards inner management

Are you looking for joy, peace, love, well-being, satisfaction within yourself! So please don’t try to divert your mind and fool yourself.

Think about an external situation, As a manager, unless we do the right thing, it will not work, the same applies to the inside.

You may think and it may happen something will make you alright, yes I agree, for a moment, but next moment you will again be unhappy and unsatisfied.

Let’s compare generation-wise, Our generation is perhaps the one with the most significant level of material solace and abundance in the world yet without a doubt, not the most joyful, peaceful, and satisfied one.

We have figured out how to manage almost anything in our lives outwardly (money, work, family) yet we are entirely unequipped for dealing with the amazing piece of life that we are.

But still, we are not happier than old generation people? This is simply because we have only focused on external management, not inner management.

Include Spirituality- 5th step towards inner management

Believe me, this is the most important step towards inner management, Spirituality is a very broad concept. It is beyond anything.

It basically means there is something greater than life that normally people experience on a physical or mental level.

We all exist as a physical entity “as a body” “as a mind”, so whatever happens outside, will definitely happen inside.

Just think about what happens outside, small things can disturb our mental peace, happiness.

How powerful, rich we are, how great a manager we are, the external situations will never be in control.

Only when a person feels and realizes a different dimension beyond physical and mental, then only he/she can manage things gracefully.

If our body, mind, emotions, energies are not functioning the way we want them to if somebody else decides what should happen within ourselves then this is the worst thing ever can happen to anyone right!

People are learning management as a science to applying to outer situations, please understand there is a whole science of inner management also.

If you do not learn that, you might manage everything externally but still you will not have a contentment life.

Really if you want to live a life of fulfillment then please include spirituality in your life.

If you want to Explore the different dimensions of life then please go beyond the physical and mental heap.


Live your life consciously, look within, focus on the inner dimension, Explore spirituality. Just do remember one thing your life is completely your making😊.

As I said am not a realized being but I am working on it, I want all of you to consider the above-mentioned points and start working on them now. Have a blessed life ahead.🙏😇

8 thoughts on “What is Inner management: Top 5 Ways to Manage Yourself!”

  1. Highly appreciated for blog very well written someone can relate himself throughout this…very interesting
    Thank you Ruchira


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