
10 ways to improve your immune system

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Hey lovely readers! Welcome back😊. Today’s blog post is all about the immune system and 10 ways to improve your immune system.

Before going too in-depth let me tell you what is the immune system! it is a group of cells, tissue, and organs that fight against bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

If I say in simple words then the immune system is the group of tissues that works together to oppose the infection/contaminations.

If you want to improve your immunity system and may be wondering how can you do that then this article is definitely going to help you.

Different types of lifestyle changes, dietary changes could help to fight against illness, might increase the body’s defense system.

Here in this specific weblog, I will be sharing 10 ways to improve your immune system. So without further delay let’s get started.

I have also written an article on health and nutrition tips that actually works. If you want to know more please go through my blog post.

You will have a clear idea of how you can build a disease-free body just by making some lifestyle changes.

#1 Go for healthy plant-based food

Try to consume healthy plant-based food in your everyday diet like a few sorts of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds.

Entire plant-based food contains antioxidants, vitamin C and protein, and fiber and all are essential for a sound body to assist with finding against various kinds of infections.

Antioxidants in these foods help to decrease inflammation as we all know chronic inflammation is linked to numerous health-related diseases and certain kinds of cancer.

Vitamin C also helps to build up your immune system increase the production of white blood cells which is the main key to fight against illness.

So try to include citrus fruits in your diet. All most all citrus fruits are high in vitamin C.

The protein and fiber present in the plant-based food helps to increase the good bacteria which is beneficial for your digestive system.

#2 Take care of your gut health

Because all most 70% of diseases start from the gut so you need to take care of your gut health properly. gut health and immunity are interconnected.

Most fermented foods contain good bacteria which is nothing but probiotics are beneficial for your digestive system.

Try to include probiotic-rich food like yogurt (One of the best sources of probiotics), kefir(fermented probiotic milk drink), pickles, soft cheese, banana, custard apple in your eating routine.

We are discussing gut health how come we forget about ghee! You know what ghee is the immune system’s best friend. It acts as a powerful gut health booster.

It is loaded with anti-inflammatory and antioxidants, which help to establish an alkaline environment in the body makes hard for disease to flourish.

Probiotics are very necessary because they support your immune system. keep your digestive system healthy and promote urinal and genital health.

If you are not getting fermented food regularly, then there are some probiotic supplements available in the market. You can go for that option.

# 3 Include healthy fats

include healthy fats in your diet such as salmon, olive oil, omega 3 fatty acids, chia seeds, etc it might boost your body’s immune system.

It has anti-inflammatory properties, which can diminish the danger of persistent illnesses like cardiovascular and insulin-related issues.

It could help your body to fight off against different types of illness.

#4 Avoid refined carbs and sugars

Sugar tastes great to nearly everyone but refined carbs and sugars are not at all good for health.

Added and refined sugar might increases the chances of inflammation, it can down your energy level.

The main disadvantage of refined carbs is they could increase your risk of obesity. Heart-related diseases and type 2 diabetes.

Cutting or limiting your sugar intake may decrease inflammation and could also reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Because chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart diseases could weaken your immunity system. It is essential to cut down your sugar consumption.

#5 Do some moderate physical activities

Exercise has various advantages as we all know. Regular physical activities are the most important thing you can do for your overall well-being.

Moderate physical activities have a very good impact on health and of course, they will assist with boosting your resistance power.

Regular moderate exercise can reduce inflammation and chronic diseases help to produce a good amount of healthy immune cells.

Different types of moderate exercise like walking, cycling, swimming include in your day-to-day life.

Apart from these moderate activities, you can go out spend some quality time with nature ideally in the morning.

If you go out in the morning, first of all, you will get sunlight which will help to produce vitamin D inside your body and secondly the lowest air pollution levels are in the morning makes you feel fresh and energetic throughout the day.

#6 Manage your stress

Purposely and accidentally we make heaps of pressure because of various sorts of circumstances and it antagonistically influences our wellbeing.

Prolonged stress may create inflammation and affects the immune system. So you need to manage your stress level.

There are certain kinds of mindfulness practices you can go for it. You can lower down your stress level through yoga, pranayama, meditation.

Include all the practices in your day-to-day life it will not only impact your mind but also helps the immune system to function optimally.

#7 Get adequate sleep

Sleep is vital for the human body to work accurately. Lack of sleep leads to different types of chronic health complications.

Poor sleep does not only affect physical health but also adversely affects mental health. It may lead to stress, depression.

Poor or inadequate sleep may increase the chance of sickness. Immunity and sleep are interconnected.

You have to take proper sleep it will increase your immunity cells, it is advisable to get enough sleep when you are sick because it allows your immunity system to respond properly.

At least aim for 7 hours of sleep per night. If you are having trouble sleeping try to limit screen time.

#8 Stay hydrated

It does not directly affect immunity but yes for overall health your body needs water. You need to prevent dehydration it is very crucial.

Dehydration affects the overall performance of health physical as well as mental. water helps your organ like the kidney, heart, and other organs to work ideally.

It improves digestion, prevents constipation helps to increase the blood oxygen level.

You need to drink water frequently to prevent dehydration. Because dehydration can make you more susceptible to illness, please make sure you’re drinking plenty of water each day.

#9 Go for natural home remedies

I believe home remedies are the best possible option you can go for. It will improve your immunity system without having any side effects.

Fundamentally, there are three home ingredients you can add to your diet.it is effectively accessible in your kitchen. The first is garlic.

we all know garlic has some amazing properties, it is loaded with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and antiseptic properties.

It really helps to boost your immune system. It normally consumed cooked but I personally recommend trying to eat raw garlic, it is more beneficial than cooked one.

Garlic contains an enzyme called Allicin, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anticancer properties.

The second one is ginger which is commonly found in any cuisine. For ages, ginger has been used for medical purposes.

Ginger contains an active ingredient named Gingerol, which fundamentally acts as a resistant supporter.

Apart from this, ginger has also been loaded with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It helps to reduce inflammation and helps to fight infection.

The third one is turmeric it has also some amazing medical properties, It really helps to boost the immunity system. Turmeric helps to increase your resistance power naturally.

Add turmeric into your everyday diet particularly during influenza season to help give your resistant level a little lift.

#10 Take Supplement

  • Vitamin C. According to the medical study, Vitamin C each day diminished the term of colds by 8% in grown-ups and 14% in kids. So try to include vitamin C-rich fruits in your diet. but taking supplements can not prevent the cold, to begin with.
  • Vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency could increase your chances of getting sick. So try to take vitamin D supplements. prior to taking it do consult your doctor as too much vitamin D could be extremely hazardous. As I said before the best source of vitamin D is early morning sunlight and yes this free of cost too.


By taking necessary actions, having an appropriate eating routine, and making some lifestyle changes, you can boost your immune power.

However please note, it isn’t for COVID-19. Any way of life alteration or dietary changes or enhancements can not shield you from the Covid.

You need to follow appropriate cleanliness, for example, washing your hand frequently, wearing a mask, and social distancing are simply the lone approaches to shield from COVID-19.

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