
7 Facts You Need To know about Depression

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Hey lovely people😊! Welcome back to my weblog. Today’s post is a little different, It is all about MIND. In today’s blog post I am going to share what is depression and some of the prime facts you should know about.

I always believe physical health and mental health go hand in hand. Both are not only important but also interrelated. Both should function optimally in order to have a wonderful life.

Normally people ignore mind-related stuff. They do not give much priority to mental-related things.

Every problem should be addressed whether it could be physical or mental from scratch so that it can be cured/managed correctly.

What is depression: Real Concept

It is mainly a mind/mood-related disorder. You could see different mood swing-related signs like sensitiveness, sadness, fear, anger, irritation, restlessness, hopeless

Let me tell you one thing do you really think depression is natural, it could happen to anybody! If so then you will never come out of this.

Depression is not natural, If you will see it from a broader perspective you will get to know why this happens!

Fundamentally you expected something to happen in your way but it did not happen it could be things, it could be a person, then gradually what will happen you will get depressed.

Just remember “things will happen in their own way” so here you should understand the concept, and realize the fact, then only you can manage those situations gracefully.

Here in this weblog, I will also share the holistic approach towards depression along with the clinical approach. So enough of Gyan now ha ha😁. let’s start!

Definition of depression

If you feel sad and down sometimes that is OK, it is a normal part of life. But if you are feeling down and sad all the time that could be likely to be due to depression.

Depression is a serious mental condition, if you notice any sign of depression then you should consult a physiologist as soon as possible because prevention is always better than cure. Right!

Facts you should know about symptoms of depression

Depression could show different symptoms. It varies from person to person. It will not only affect your mind but also your body.

Symptoms may come and go or also be continuous/ongoing. The symptoms of depression can be experienced differently among men, women, and children differently.

  • Effects on physical health such as headache, tiredness/fatigue, digestive disorder, change in appetite, weight loss, and gain.
  • Adverse effects on mood such as restlessness, irritation, anger, loss of interest, etc.
  • Badly Affects emotional health such as sadness, hopelessness, unsatisfied, loneliness, and thoughts of suicide.
  • Adverse impacts on a sleeping pattern such as insomnia, disturbance in sleep, difficulty falling asleep, and excessive sleepiness.
  • Affects cognitive abilities such as lack of focus, difficulty concentrating, and decrease retention and memory power.

Causes of Depression: Facts You ought to know

There are different reasons for depression, It might be biological or you may take it from your surroundings/Circumstantial.

Many times doctors are not able to determine the exact cause of depression.

So let’s discuss different reasons

  • Genetics – If you have a family history of depression there is a possibility you can develop that syndrome.
  • Certain medications- There are some medicines/drugs which can lead to depression. Some anti-viral drugs can increase the risk of depression.
  • Certain medical conditions- There are different types of conditions like insomnia, and chronic illness could increase the risk of depression.
  • Abuse- Physical, emotional, and sexual abuse can increase the risk of depression.
  • Trauma- Sometimes what happens in some situations creates different types of emotions like fear or sadness if you lose your near or dear ones, it may increase the risk of depression.
  • Other personal problems- Problems such as social isolation due to other mental illnesses or being booted out of a family or social group can increase the risk of depression.
  • Hormonal fluctuation-sometime hormonal fluctuation could be the reason for depression, especially in women. certain conditions like PMS, postpartum(After delivery), and pre and post-menopause lead to depression.

If you want to know more about PMS(Premenstrual syndrome) please go through my previous blog.

Types of depression: Basic facts you need to know

Some people experience mild symptoms, some people experience severe. basically, it is divided into two categories.

  • Persistent Depressive disorder
  • Major Depressive disorder

Persistent depressive disorder– It is mild but thing is that it is a chronic form of depression. It lasts for a longer period(More than one year) ongoing kind of. so it can affect your day-to-day life badly.

Some of the persistent depressive disorder symptoms who suffer from chronic depression such as

  1. Low self-confidence/self-esteem
  2. Persistent sadness
  3. Lack of Interest
  4. Hope less
  5. Low productivity

Major depressive disorders-It is a severe form of depression. some of the major symptoms are

  1. Significant weight gain or loss
  2. Tiredness/low energy
  3. Feeling of guilt
  4. Feeling of hopelessness
  5. Interest loss in most of the day-to-day activities
  6. depressed all the time
  7. suicidal tendency
  8. Insomnia
  9. Loss of focus /concentration

When to consult the doctor

You can’t have a normal life if you are depressed all the time. It will not only affect your mental health but also on physical health.

Your personal life will get disturbed and it will affect your efficiency and productivity which will have a very adverse effect on your professional life too.

But there are some treatments available which could improve your condition and you can have a normal life.

Your doctor may make a treatment plan for you and can prescribe some medications like antidepressants, anti-anxiety, etc.

Apart from medication, you can opt for different kinds of natural treatments in order to manage depression.

Natural treatment for depression: You need to know

There are certain kinds of natural treatments available for depression.

Few herbal supplements are there like fish oil, omega 3, and fatty acids which is beneficial for depression.

But before taking any action please talk to your doctor as certain medications/supplements could make the situation worse.

Essential oil

There is some essential oil that is proven to be beneficial for depression.

Rose oil -If you inhale rose oil regularly, you could feel relaxed and stress-free as it has some calming effect on the brain.

Wild ginger oil-This oil is really good because it produces serotonin hormone which will help to calm the mind and this will help to reduce stress-releasing hormones.


For the normal function of the body, vitamin is crucial. Basically, there are mainly two vitamins that are beneficial for the brain and neurological things.

Vitamin D-Vitamin D is not only important for healthy bones and the heart but also crucial for the brain.

If you have depression signs there is a chance your body has a lower level of vitamin D.

So try to get vitamin D and as said in my previous blog you can get most of it from the early morning sunlight.

B Vitamins-Vitamin B-6 and vitamin B-12 are really crucial for brain development. Sometimes deficiency of vitamin B leads to depression.


Different kinds of supplements have a positive impact on depression

Omega-3 and fatty acid

It is very crucial for brain health. These are the necessary fats for all neurological development.

So you can add omega-3 and fatty acid supplements to your diet, it might help you reduce depression to some extent.


It could increase the serotonin brain hormone which might be helpful ease the symptoms.

you need to take the protein building blocks, tryptophan,, in order to increase this chemical.

There are some alternative methods also you can go for in order to ease the symptoms. Each type of medication used to treat depression has benefits and potential risks too.

Light Therapy-It might regulate your mood and improve symptoms of depression. Light therapy is commonly used in seasonal depression which comes under major depressive disorder with seasonal patterns.

Exercise-Do physical exercise daily, make it part of your daily routine. At least aim for 30 min per day.

Exercise may increase the production of endorphins. Basically, this hormone could improve your mood.

Avoid smoking/Alcohol-Smoking and alcohol have a negative impact on depression. These things make the condition worse. so try to avoid it.

Learn to say no– It is okay to say no sometimes. Try to socialize with people. Setting the boundary for your professional as well as personal life could help you to feel good.

Take care of yourself you need to take care of yourself. You need to get proper sleep, need to have a healthy proper diet.

Some medication does not respond to depression, your doctor may recommend different treatment options like electroconvulsive therapy(ECT).

Outlook for Depression

Depression could be a temporary or lifelong problem. However, treatment could make symptoms more manageable.

You can manage symptoms of depression by having the right kind of medication and therapies. A healthy lifestyle is the main key all I could say.

if you want to know more about any mental-related stuff please do let me know in the comment box. Thank you.😊

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