
13 Effective Home Remedies for Upset Stomach

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Hey lovely readers, How are you all? Hope you all doing great. Today’s blog post is all about the best home remedies for an upset stomach.

First, let’s understand What exactly upsets the stomach and why this happens! Indigestion or upset stomach is very common nowadays!

I think everyone experiences it at some point in time. There could be various reasons for it and most of them are non-serious.

It feels very uncomfortable agreed! Why does this happen normally? The very first reason I would say is lack of physical activities/Exercises.

We know the current situation, the Covid-19 pandemic has disturbed everything including our physical activities.

Work culture everything has changed and somehow interfered with our day-to-day life and negatively affects our digestive tract.

Here I want to tell you something very important, digestion is very crucial, If your digestive tract is not functioning the way it should be then you will have different other health complications as well apart from digestive related.

An upset stomach is called dyspepsia in the medical world, Which means discomfort in your upper abdomen. (please note if the pain is in your lower abdomen then the causes will be different).

An upset stomach is not a disease, actually, it’s the combination of different symptoms. Hope you got a little idea now.

Causes of a Stomach Upset/Pain

Apart from physical activities, there are different reasons behind stomach aches or upset stomachs.

  • Junk, unhealthy, spicy foods
  • Fast eating
  • Overeating
  • Certain medications can also be a reason like painkillers, Antibiotics
  • Gas/ Acidity
  • Stress
  • There are different underlying causes as well like, Stomach ulcers, stones, Appendixsite, etc.

Now let’s see the different home remedies available for stomach problems. So next time when you get a tummy ache rush to your kitchen and have the below-mentioned remedies, and you will see the magic.

Home Remedies for an Upset Stomach

# Drink Enough Water– 1 st Home Remedies for upset stomach

Glass of Water for upset stomach
A glass of water macro shot

Water is the source of life. It is the first and ultimate solution for every problem.

If you generally visit to doctor for any concern, you must have heard they would advise drinking enough water or staying hydrated.

Do you know! water helps your body absorb the essential nutrients, not only that it helps your stomach digest the foods.

Dehydration could make your digestion process slow and absorption also does not take place properly.

So water is very essential for the human body and it’s as per medical and health studies females should drink at least 2.7 liters per day and males should drink 3.5 liters per day.

# 2 Ginger for Upset Stomach

Ginger for stomach ache

So yes the second home remedy for upset stomach I have for you is ginger. Ginger is loaded with all the good stuff.

From ancient times, it has been used for many health-related issues like colds, coughs, vomiting, nausea, etc.

It contains two chemicals known as gingerol and shogaols, mainly these two components help reduce stomach pain/abdominal cramps.

Ginger is an excellent tonic for the digestive system. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, which have a very shooting effect on the stomach.

Studie has shown ginger could help to improve indigestion, be beneficial for abdominal bloating, and reduce intestinal cramping.

How to Take

  • You can eat raw ginger. Just simply chop and eat.
  • Ginger warm water also you can have.
  • You can also drink ginger tea, which is easily available in supermarkets.

# 3 Cumin Seed for Stomach Cramping and Gas Pain

Cumin Seeds are effective for upset stomach
Cumin Seeds

The next home remedy I have for you is cumin seeds. commonly it’s called Zeera, these little grains of magic are a powerhouse of health. Cumin seeds act as a great neutralizer. Helps in digestion and tummy ache.

Do you know! it is one of the best home remedies for gas pain, yes next time when you experience gas-related pain, just drink a glass of cumin seeds water and see the magic.

Cumin seeds contain some essential oil, which is really beneficial for digestion. It just helps to stimulate your salivary gland and aids digestion.

It is an effective anti-flatulent. Cumin water eases bowel movement hence constipation. This improves your gut health and your overall health.

Not only that it also helps with diarrhea. As per the medical study, cumin seeds extract was given to rats and it helped to improve the diarrhea symptoms.

Some traditional medical research shows chewing a pinch or two of raw cumin seeds or powder to ease heartburn, which normally occurs due to gas.

How to take

You are making cumin/Zeera water, so you need basically two ingredients: cumin and water.

  • You can simply add 1/2 tablespoon of cumin seed powder to your day-to-day meals.
  • Or take a glass of water and one tablespoon of roasted cumin, boil them together, reduce it to half, strain it and drink.
  • Or you can soak cumin seeds in water, leave it overnight, and the next day just strain the solution and drink it on empty stomach.

# 4 Peppermint for Abdominal Cramping

Peppermint is used to treat stomach cramp

You must have known peppermint is normally used in toothpaste for its amazing properties helpful for gum and teeth-related problems.

The next home remedy I have for you is peppermint Yes, let me explain why peppermint is beneficial for stomach cramping.

But did you know! Peppermint contains a component known as menthol, which is a natural analgesic in nature, if I say it in simple words it acts as a pain reliever.

Apart from this, peppermint has numerous other health benefits as well. Due to its numbing and calming effect, it is also used to treat headaches, skin problems, stress, and anxiety.

How to take

  • Directly you can chew the leaves.
  • You can have peppermint tea.
  • Peppermint oil capsule is also available, beneficial for irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Peppermint essential oil is also available if you have a constipation problem, then it will help your bowel to lose, which can relieve constipation.

# 5 Aloe vera for Complete Digestive disorders

Aloe Vera is beneficial to treat stomach cramp
Aloe vera

We are talking about stomach issues and how come we forget about aloe vera? Right the next home remedy I have for you is aloe vera.

Aloe vera has a widely used plant, due to its different amazing properties it is used as an alternative medicine for different diseases.

It is also used in cosmetic products, very beneficial for skin health. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, properties.

Aloe vera juice can act as a laxative and might be used to treat different types of stomach-related issues like constipation and diarrhea.

A substance in aloe vera juice helps to reduce excess stomach acid, is beneficial for healthy bowel movements, and helps to balance digestive bacteria, nausea, and vomiting.

The anti-inflammatory properties of Aloe vera helps to reduce gastrointestinal inflammation which means, it helps to control IBS( Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

# 6 Lemon juice, Baking soda, and Water– Home remedies for upset stomach

Lime juice for stomach cramp
Lime Juice

Yes, the combination of lemon juice, baking soda, and water is a very effective solution for stomach upset.

Some studies say the mixture of lime and water with a pinch of baking soda works wonders and could help to relieve various types of digestive-related issues.

A combination of this solution produces carbonic acid in the stomach, which might assist to lessen the gas and improving digestion.

Lemon juice helps to improve liver secretion and helps to digest foods and absorbs fat while neutralizing bile acids.

How to Take

  • Just take one tablespoon of lime juice.
  • Take one pinch of baking soda.
  • Take one glass/of 200 ml water, mix it properly, and drink.

# 7 Cinnamon for Upset Stomach

Bunch of Cinnamon for upset stomach
Cinnamon Sticks

Do you know cinnamon is a magical stick? It is packed with multiple antioxidants such as camphor, cinnamaldehyde, linalool, and eugenol.

That might help in the digestion of food easily and helps to reduce stomach aches to a great extent.

It might help to neutralize stomach acidity to lessen heartburn and indigestion. effective for bloating, nausea, cramping, etc.

How to Take

  • You can add cinnamon sticks to your daily meal.
  • Cinnamon powder, honey, and water mix it properly and drink.
  • You can also have cinnamon tea.

# 8 Cloves for Digestive problems

Cloves is effective for upset stomach

Clove is a highly aromatic spice used in most Indian cuisines. It has numerous health benefits.

Cloves are very effective for digestive-related issues, it keeps the gastrointestinal tract healthy. It contains a substance that is very beneficial for bloating, cramping, etc.

It helps to decrease gas in the stomach, helps to speed up digestion might be helpful to improve nausea and vomiting syndrome as well.

How to take

  • You can mix clove and garlic for stomach upset problems.
  • Or you can mix 1/2 tablespoon of cloves powder with honey and take it before bedtime.
  • Or you can boil 200 ml water with one tablespoon of clove powder and drink it once or twice a day.

# 9 BART Diet for digestive issues

Now lets us understand what is BART diet is, though it’s not exactly for stomach pain yet it’s a very friendly diet for your tummy.

BART stands for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast. The doctor may recommend this diet if you have a diarrhea problem.

These foods are very starchy, which helps to make bind the food together, which might help to ease diarrhea.

These foods are very shooting for your stomach. it contains some substance that helps to ease and shoot the stomach, and intestines resulting from acid and vomiting.

# 10 Bananas for Stomach Upset

Banana soothes the stomach cramp

Do know banana is a super fruit? It is loaded with potassium, folate, and vitamin B6. These nutrients could help to reduce stomach cramps to a great extent.

Banana is the one fruit, which is considered to be a stomach-friendly fruit. It has a natural antacid effect, which helps to relieve different digestive-related problems like indigestion, acid, and tummy ache.

As it is high in potassium which helps to increase mucus production in the stomach, beneficial to prevent the irritation of the stomach. And yes Bananas are a crucial part of the “BRAT” diet, helpful for stomach upset and diarrhea.

# 11 Carom seeds/Ajwain for Stomach Discomfort

Carom seeds is used for stomach ache
Carom Seeds

It is an Indian spice used in different dishes for flavoring purposes. It has a bitter pungent taste.

These seeds are not restricted to their aroma and taste, it has numerous health benefits as well.

It is one of the best natural home remedies for stomach upset, and indigestion acid reflux problems. 

Ajwain contains a substance known as thymol, which helps to stimulate your stomach to release gastric juices.

It not only helps to maintain the pH level of the stomach but also boosts digestion power.

How to take

  • You can simply chew the carom seeds when you have a stomach upset due to acidity.
  • Or you can drink Ajwain water, just boil a teaspoon of seeds in a glass of water, reduce it to half just strain it, and drink.
  • Or you can go for kadha, Chop some ginger and some ajwain seeds together. Add a glass of water to it, reduce it to half, and drink.

# 12 Tulasi leaves for Stomach Cramping

Tulasi/Basil Leaves

Tulasi which is also known as basil helps to aid in digestion and increases appetite. It contains a substance that helps to relieve gas-related stomach cramping and improves overall digestion.

It also contains a component known as eugenol, which might assist to reduce the quantity of acid in the stomach.

If you consume daily basil leaves, it will help to increase the number of detoxifying enzymes in the liver.

How to Take

  • You can simply take fresh basil/tulsi leaves and take them in the morning.
  • Or you can boil Tulasi and one glass of water, reduce it to half, and drink it warm.
  • Or you can have Tulasi leaves tea.

# 13 Coconut water for Stomach Discomfort

coconut water is beneficial for stomach upset
Coconut water

Coconut water contains potassium and magnesium. which helps to reduce pain, stomach cramps, bloating, etc.

This water is also useful for the hydrating body naturally, far better than other commercially available drinks.

Try to incorporate 2 glasses of coconut water every 4–6 hours, which could help ease upset stomach symptoms to great extent.

Alternative tips to manage Stomach Related issues

  • Avoid smoking.
  • Abstain from drinking.
  • Avoid lying down just after a meal.
  • Abstain from salty, spicy, fried, and fatty food.
  • Heat pad

When to visit a Doctor

Though stomach upset is not a concern, yet if you have persistent stomach problems should immediately consult a doctor.

  • Uncontrollable vomiting or diarrhea
  • Inability to pass the gas
  • Prolonged constipation
  • Dizziness
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • If you notice any lump in the stomach
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Pain when urinating
  • Fever
  • Anemeia due to iron defienciy


I have tried to share some of the best home remedies for stomach upset/cramps. I hope you will find it informative, if yes, please do not forget to share it with your near and dear ones.

If you have any concerns or queries then do let me know in the comment section down, I would love to help you. Thank you😊

5 thoughts on “13 Effective Home Remedies for Upset Stomach”

  1. This was the blog which is loaded with all the necessary information in it. Now I have some idea about the home made remedies.
    Thank you for sharing such a nice blog Ruchira ji…


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