
Symptoms of Postpartum Depression – How to deal with it

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Hey lovely readers, how are you all? Hope you all doing great. Welcome back!!! Today’s topic is all about symptoms of postpartum depression and how you can deal with it.

Though it’s a very sensitive topic to discuss yet I personally feel everyone should be aware/know of this so that they can handle the situation and manage the stuff properly.

Postpartum depression is a type of depression that affects women after giving birth. This type of depression is marked by episodes of sadness and lethargy.

The exact cause of postpartum depression is not known but stress and poor support system and hormonal fluctuations are considered the major causes.

Here we are going to discuss postpartum depression symptoms and how you can get help for yourself.

Postpartum depression is not a common type of depression but it can happen to anyone. It can be very scary for the mother as she may think that she is losing her child.

Symptoms of postpartum depression are very similar to general depression symptoms. So, if you feel like you are experiencing these symptoms then do not hesitate to talk to your doctor.

What are the Symptoms of Postpartum Depression

There are many symptoms of postpartum depression. Most women experience mood swings and depression. The major symptom of postpartum depression is sadness.

The mother will feel sad for no reason and this symptom is the most common symptom. Some of the other symptoms are lack of appetite, sleeping problems, sadness, and irritation.

Other symptoms are anxiety and guilt. These symptoms can be triggered by a lot of things like lack of sleep, change in diet, pressure from work, and also from the partner. Other symptoms are the same as general depression symptoms.

Proper treatment for postpartum depression is very important as these symptoms can cause death in some cases. So, it is imperative to seek help as early as possible.

Treatment for postpartum depression will take some time and depending on the severity of symptoms.

There are many treatment options available for the mother who is experiencing symptoms of postpartum depression.

The doctor will select the proper treatment for the mother depending on the symptoms.

Symptoms of Postpartum Depression

Symptoms of postpartum depression can be classified into two groups. These two groups have different types of treatment.

This group is the major group and it will take longer treatment to handle the symptoms. This group has also a very different treatment method from the other group.

The most common method is medications. These medications are given by the doctors for the treatment of this group.

However, there are some medications that are recommended by doctors for treating this group. These are Antidepressants. These medications can have side effects like blurred vision, sweating, nausea, and sleeping problems.

Anti-depressants are not the only treatment method for treating symptoms of postpartum depression.

Other treatment methods include Psychotherapy, Light therapy, Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), Psychiatric care, and many more methods.

How to avoid Symptoms of Postpartum Depression

If you are facing symptoms of postpartum depression, you need to identify your triggers and avoid them. These triggers are easy to find if you keep your mind occupied.

Identify the things that make you to be sad or irritable and do not do them. Do not think of them and let these things remain in the past.

Also, do not watch TV (Especially news channels), instead, you can read magazines or any good storybooks or if you are interested in art then you can do art( drawing or painting), and do such activities during your free time.

The most important method is to do exercises. These activities help you to take off negative thoughts from your mind and hence help you to avoid symptoms of postpartum depression.

Do your exercises regularly and keep your mind occupied to avoid symptoms of postpartum depression.

  • Do exercises that help you to release energy from the body.
  • Avoid working on the computer or similar activities during your free time.
  • Go for a sport that involves running, walking, jumping, and other similar activities.
  • Try mindfulness, it is really important to have a calm mind to handle the situation.

You need to have a healthy diet to avoid symptoms of postpartum depression. Taking a healthy diet can help you to have more energy and stop you from feeling tired all the time.

Taking a healthy diet can prevent you to feel tired all the time and be physically healthy too.

How to deal with it

It’s not uncommon for a new mom to feel anxious about her new baby. She’s sure to be nervous and even worried about the fact that she has a baby, and is worried about how she is going to do some of the daily things.

It can be intimidating and overwhelming to be a new mom, and sometimes this feeling converts to anxiety. Luckily there are ways for dealing with anxiety, and if you want help you have plenty of options available to you.

One of the first things you should do is to get help from your doctor. Ask if you can talk to a therapist, or even just a support person. Your doctor may even prescribe some medication.

Talking with someone about how you are feeling is also a great way of not only dealing with your anxiety but making yourself feel better and feeling more positive about yourself.

It’s a natural instinct to talk about your feelings, but it’s important to recognize that you’re only talking to yourself and that you’re not actually dealing with these feelings with anyone else.

An important thing to do when dealing with feelings of depression is to recognize the causes of these feelings and learn what to do about them.

It’s common for depression to be caused by any of a number of factors. Might be your life is stressful, and this is making you feel sad.

It could be due to your hormones, and this is making you feel emotional. Maybe your work is causing you to feel this way.

Whatever the reason, recognizing what the cause is, and making sure that you do something about it can help you get through the day, and deal with your feelings better.

Additional tips to manage Postpartum Depression Symptoms

Tip No-1

Another thing you can do about your feelings of depression is to get out and do something. This can be as simple as going to an extracurricular event, or as elaborate as going to a play, or just going shopping.

When you’re feeling down, it can be good to have something to do, and you may be able to get yourself going just by going out into the world.

Even if you don’t feel like doing anything, you should still go do something. There’s nothing more therapeutic than being out and getting your emotions shot off, and having your brain exposed to sunlight for a few hours can also be very therapeutic.

You’re not necessarily doing anything, you’re just letting your body know that it’s time to do something. So go do something, even if you don’t feel like doing anything.

Tip No-2

You should also try to change your diet. There’s some evidence that a healthy diet can be a good way to deal with depression, and it can help you avoid some of the symptoms, like headaches and stomach problems, which can sometimes be tied to depression.

You should try to eat more green leafy vegetables, fish, nuts, and fruit because these are all food types that have good nutrients, and you should cut back on sugar, alcohol, and unhealthy foods, like junk food and ready-made meals.

Tip No-3

It’s also worth noting that the internet is also a good resource for some of your questions. There’s a whole world of information out there, that you may not have known existed, and if you’re feeling down, you may want to go look at the internet, join a support group, and discuss your problems with them.

You should also note that there’s other stuff that you can do, to get rid of depression. Some of these things are self-feeding, so you have to do some of them on your own, and some of these things are easy to do, so you don’t have to feel like doing them.

You should also take an active part in your depression. Depression is caused by thinking, and thinking is made possible by you doing things. The more you think, the more you do, so the more you can do, to help yourself.


To get help, you should contact your doctor, If you feel you are very down, you should also make an appointment with your doctor.

If you need to talk with a professional, don’t be afraid to do so. Your doctor is an unbiased party, who can help you. And remember, there’s no one else who can help you than you.

So get out there, and do things that will help you. You have so much you can do, to help yourself.

One more note about this topic: you should never feel guilty or ashamed for wanting help. It’s no one’s fault that you’re having a hard time, or that you’re depressed.

It’s all caused by you, and you’re the only one who can do something about it. Do not feel like you’re letting anyone down by needing help. It’s the person’s problem, not yours.

If you have any issues related to physical or mental health please feel to connect with me, I will definitely try to help you best of my knowledge.

Spread the knowledge. Thank you.

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