
The 10 Amazing Foods to Help Relieve Stress

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Hey lovely reader😊! How are you all! Hope you all doing great.Welcome back to my blog post. In this particular weblog, I will be sharing The Top 10 amazing foods to help relieve stress with some bonus tips.

Today we will basically discuss stress and how we can manage it by following a healthy lifestyle.

There are many ways to reduce and manage stress and let me tell you one thing food /diet plays a very crucial role when it comes to stress also.

Are you aware of this fact! some foods can increase or decrease your stress level. Food can be your biggest friend or worst enemy so better choose your food wisely.

You know what! there is a strong link between what you eat and drink, and how you feel.Food(Especially gut health) effects on physiological health as per medical research.

If you are really stressed out, your body needs certain types of vitamins/nutrients more such as vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin D, magnesium.

Unhealthy eating habits can increase your stress level. According to the Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, a well-balanced/nutritious diet is the most essential thing for overall health.

So next time when you are under stress/pressure please include below mentioned 10 amazing stress-busting food in your diet.

# 1 Dark Chocolate For Relieve Stress

Dark chocolate
Dark Chocolate

Hey, how many of you chocolate lovers here!😊 I am the biggest dark chocolate lover. The first stress buster I have for you is dark chocolate.

You may be wondering how can chocolate be healthy! But yes dark chocolate is really healthy. Dark chocolate has some positive physical health benefits.

It helps to improve blood pressure and helps to protect blood vessels and beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Research says eating dark chocolate could reduce stress levels. It impacts brain wave helps to increase memory.

Dark chocolate rich in antioxidants might helps to decrease your stress level by lowering down stress hormones.

Cortisol is the main stress hormone in the human body and if you have a chronic stress problem then cortisol increases.

It contains Flavonoids that have numerous health benefits, helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and some kind of cancer.

Please be sure to take it at the moderation level. Because an excess of anything is bad right! go for good quality dark chocolate.

Make sure the bar doesn’t contain unnecessary added sugar. Check for two or three ingredients such as cacao beans, sugar, and cocoa butter.

# 2 Nuts For Relieve Stress

Mixed nuts for relieve stress
Mixed nuts

The second stress buster I have for you is nuts and we all know how nutritious nuts are! It is full of nutrients and it contains B vitamins.

It is loaded with omega 3 and fatty acids. Vitamins are not only good for physical health but also are equally important for mental health too.

Especially B Vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12) helps to reduce stress. Some specific nuts contain polyunsaturated fats that could reduce pressure which commonly increases during stress.

Research has been done and it says walnut is the best among all the nuts when it comes to deal with stress and tension. It just works wonders.

Pistachios are also very beneficial it helps to reduce stress and anxiety.

Almond is loaded with B vitamins (Especially Vitamin B12) and magnesium and these two vitamins help to produce a hormone known as serotonin (which is nothing but a feel-good hormone) that works as a stress buster.

But please take handful of mixed nuts in a day to avoid the extra calories.😉

# 3 Citrus Fruits For Stress Reduction

citrus fruits for stress reduction
Citrus Fruits

The third stress buster I have for you is citrus fruits. All the citrus fruits oranges, grapes, strawberries, etc loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants.

Studies say it helps to reduce stress and it has antioxidant properties which might help reduce inflammation and deals with anxiety.

The human body produces one hormone named cortisol which is nothing but a stress hormone and vitamin C helps to decrease this hormone.

So try to add citrus fruits to your daily diet. Here I won’t say take it in moderation because these are fruits (Always healthy) so you can eat them as much as you can.

And yes always go for raw fruits because it is more nutritious than juice. Juice contains a lot of added sugar which is not at all good for health (Not recommended).❌

# 4 Fish For Fighting With Stress

Salmon-Sea food good for reduction of stress
Salmon -Sea Food

Hey fish lover,😋 there is good news for you all do you know! fish like tuna, salmon, sardine, herring especially kinds of seafood is very good for stress reduction.

It is also heart-friendly, It contains omega 3, a fatty acid that does not only act as a stress buster but also helps to ease the symptoms of depression.

Because the nutrients present in it deals with brain and mood related things.

Let me tell you one more thing, almost all mothers out of here may be aware of this fact omega 3 supplements are given to pregnant women for 1 st initial months of their pregnancy.

Just because of babies’ brain development purpose. So you could imagine how crucial omega 3 and fatty acid for the brain.

Not a big fan of fish! Don’t worry there are some other foods which are equally nutritious as fish. Namely walnut, chia seeds, flax seeds, milk, almond milk you can add yours to your diet.

You can also go for omega 3 supplements,which is contain nothing but fish oil.

# 5 Probiotics For Stress Relieve


Do you know according to the study gut health is very crucial for overall health it has a strong connection with mood and mental-related stuff like stress, depression, anxiety, etc.

Gut bacteria produce feel-good kinds of hormone-like serotonin which improves mood and very positive impact on the mind.

So here is a question how can we improve our gut bacteria! the answer is simple just add probiotic foods to your diet.

Probiotics help to improve the immunity system, digestion and helps to absorb the essential nutrients.

The best source of probiotics is yogurt, it is packed with healthy bacteria. So try to include probiotic food in your daily diet.

Apart from yogurt fermented foods include cheese, sauerkraut, kimchi, and fermented soy products.

yogurt and other fermented food could increase natural gut bacteria and may reduce stress and depression.

# 6 Avocados For Stress Minimization

Avocados-For stress minimization

Avocados are packed with all the good nutrients like omega 3, fatty acids, B vitamins. It is a great source of stress relief.

These healthy essentials help to reduce stress and anxiety, boost concentration, improves memory power.

And yes deficiency of vitamin B leads to depression and luckily avocados loaded with vitamin B.

It does not only contain omega 3 fatty acid it is also loaded with fiber, essential nutrients like phytochemicals so you should add this nutritious fruit to your diet.

As per the study, It helps to reduce blood pressure level and obesity. However, that the study only suggested a link, not cause and effect relationship.

# 7 Fiber-Rich Foods For Stress Management

Fiber rich foods-lower down the stress level
Fiber rich foods

As per medical research fiber, rich foods play a very cultural role when to comes to lowering your stress level.

A high-fiber diet might be connected with reduced anxiety, depression, and stress. It is gut-friendly too.

So try to add more fiber-rich foods in your diet like beans, green peas, almond, flax seeds, chickpeas, lots of green vegetables like spinach, broccoli, kale.

Leafy green vegetables packed with folate, multiple vitamins that help to produce basically two hormones serotonin and dopamine (the feel-good hormone). It basically helps to reduce stress and anxiety level.

# 8 Tea Act As a Stress Buster

Tea-Stress Buster

Tea lover! Here is a good news, you can lower your stress level by sipping your favorite tea.

Green tea, black tea, chamomile all works wonders for stress relief, so just pick your favorite one.

Green tea contains an amino acid known as theanine and which acts as a stress buster, It has anti-anxiety and calming properties in it.

It also contain natural flavonoids which is beneficial for weight loss too.

It produces serotonin and dopamine which positively improve the mood. You can add green tea to your daily diet in place of coffee or other beverage.

Studies have shown chamomile tea aids in lessening anxiety and stress symptoms.

It has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory properties. It contains flavonoids that have a calming effect on the brain.

Another 2018 study found black tea consumption directly impacts mood, it helps to reduce depression, stress, and anxiety.

Theaflavins,compounds found in black tea,have been found to reduce depression and stress.

#9 Banana For Stress Relieve

Banana-Stress Reduction

Bananas are a great source of potassium. It helps to regulate blood pressure, Eating potassium-rich food helps to reduce stress and anxiety.

It contains B vitamins such as folate and vitamin B6, It helps to produce serotonin could help to improve your mood.

Try to add potassium-rich food to your diet. Apart from banana pumpkin seeds also a great source of potassium and zinc.

As per a medical study zinc deficiency might negatively impact on brain and mood. Zinc is very essential for brain and nerve development.

# 10 Eggs For Stress Reduction


Do you know! Vitamin D and mental health are directly connected to each other.

If you have a deficiency of vitamin D there is a high chance you may develop depression syndrome and it might increase your stress and anxiety level.

An egg is a great source of vitamin D and protein. It contains all the necessary amino acids for the overall development of the body and mind.

It produces serotonin hormone which is nothing but a neurotransmitter that helps to regulate mood, memory, and behavior.


To combat stress, there are various options available, But sometimes, if you eat the right food also, additionally however it might not be sufficient. That’s when getting some extra things could really help you out to deal with day-to-day stress.

If you want to know more about supplements which beneficial for stress then do check out my next blog.

Bonus Tips For Stress Relieve

The word stress is very common right! still an unaddressed problem. People always ignore mind-related stuff.

But I personally feel physical and mental health are two sides of one coin. Both are equally important and interrelated too. You can’t simply ignore it.

Just ask people why they are stressed! simply they will reply like we have job-related pressure, some will say we have relationship issues, some will say we have financial issues, etc, etc the list goes on.

Even now a days small kids has their own stress ha ha joke apart😊,but the fact is we all have it.

Do you really think, if you take care of all the things(material things) people will be stress free.No this will never happen? Still, people won’t be settled with life. So life is all about our making.

If you do the right things with your body and mind THE SO-CALLED STRESS won’t affect you.

Thank you. Have a stress-free and happy life ahead.🙏

11 thoughts on “The 10 Amazing Foods to Help Relieve Stress”

  1. It is a great article dude very very useful information for the persons who feel stress
    Exceptionally well written dude
    Thanks for sharing.
    Expecting more from your blog


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